IronSight® is a futuristic military First Person Shooter(FPS) game, based on the battle overnatural recourses between armed forces and private military corporation, equipped withcutting-edge weapons and drone systems. The realistic gameplay will throw the player intothe middle of intensive situations as the player progresses throug.h various different locations.
Iron Sight® will provide dynamic environment interaction like device interaction to activate
the specific landmark or ride object as transportation to move to another location or
destroying it to cut off the route etc. These dynamic factors can be a game changer,
therefore, we consider all possible tactics & strategies before its developing, then we apply
them to the environment.
We created our designs with an eye to the current reality-from the expansive military
industrial complex to the personalized weapons of 2025. Make a game world where our
personal weapon might start to feel more like a legendary sword or spear.
We created our designs with an eye to the current reality-from the expansive military
industrial complex to the personalized weapons of 2025. Make a game world where our
personal weapon might start to feel more like a legendary sword or spear.